Permaculture Importance & QRE


Latin word, Permanere, “to last, to continue, to endure, to remain”

Latin word, Cultura, “to cultivate”

Permaculture is the cultivation of permanence.

Geoff Lawton, the mentee of Bill Mollision (the father of permaculture) spoke on a podcast to encompass the purpose of permaculture.

Here is what he said.

“Permaculture design is an ethical design science to care for the earth and people. Using nature as the lesson as to how we work with a system that is balanced. Balanced in a way to provide our needs and efficiently benefiting the soil and biodiversity inside the communities it inhabits.”

Qi Real Estate Development encompasses this ethical design into our residential communities and provide homeowners an entry level experience into the energy efficient permaculture lifestyle.

Our next blog post.

“Permaculture and energy efficient food cultivation”


Food Energy Efficiency of Permaculture